joi, 11 noiembrie 2010

Bucharest by taxi

In cazul in care erati la coada la paine si taximetristul nu era acolo...

vineri, 5 noiembrie 2010

No country for old man - thailglish version

- How old are you?
- 75...Now we are in year 2553 and I was born in 2478...
- I don't believe you, people at your age in Bangkok stay only inside home.
- I know, I too old...when police see me, ask me to go home, 'cause too old...but I did taxi every day and make a lot of money.
- So you feel young
- Yes, very young. I just let go smoking
- Ooo...when?
- 5 months ago, too old and problems health.
- So how many years did you smoke?
- 55 years ... if no pain, I still smoke, but now pain a little...I can show you ID Card if you don't believe, my friend also taxi drvier is 80 years old, and he looks better than me.

- You married?
- 4 wives, I am muslim (and he shows me inside car a lot of muslim inscriptions about Allah). The real problem in last year is I cannot go so much to ladies.
- So you usually go to ladies?
- Yes, every week. Wife stay home, I call her I busy and not wait for me...but now - problem - cannot be so strong with ladies.
- Haha, I should take a photo of you to show to the old men in my country.
- Ok, no problem, I take you to ladies tonight go together (laughs). Now let me put some real music, this radio sucks!
(And he inserts a CD with Elvis Presley - Love me Tender, then the old man starts singing in english)

- What is your name?
- My name Charlie!
- Ooo but Charlie is not a Thai name
- No, when americans came here, they call me charlie. Vietnam war I taxi driver americans, go party dancing, take them from airport to bangkok , go lady bum bum!
- So you have children?
- Many many, I had four wives. Muslim no problem many wives.
- You're very young inside. Do you eat kebab and arab food and smoke shisha?
- Nooo, I was born in Thailand, I eat thai food...I am muslim for prayer not for eating.
We arrived at our destination, and I had only one 1000 Baht banknote.
- No problem sir, you pay me tommorrow, now have no change.
And the old man drives off with that constant smile on his face. The same smile he was glowing throughout the whole trip to Khao San

marți, 2 noiembrie 2010

Weather cast Koh Panghan

Starea vremii prezentata direct din Chaluklom, un port pescaresc in Nord (Vest-ul) insulei Koh Panghan, Thailanda.
Cameraman: Eugen, caucazian, proaspat absolvent institut arte subacvatice.

duminică, 31 octombrie 2010

Pentru Norbert

Palma vibratoare thai style

Ciorapii de mare efect determina anumite vibratii in meridianele de la maini, pentru aprofundare se poate face click pe poze:

Kite Thailand

Dupa taifunul de dimineata cand toate obloanele se izbeau de pereti, marea s-a dezlantuit iar in nordul insulei unde vantul bate direct dinspre mare, valurile sunt uriase. Restaurantele sunt inchise, terasele romantice sunt udate continuu de spuma valurilor singurii care apreciaza astfel de momente sunt ei - kiteboarder-ii!

Scoala thailandeza de kite e la ea acasa aici, poti invata cu 250 E intr-un week-end, uitandu-ma la instructorii thailandezi realizez ca suma nu e totusi exagerata, trebuie sa stea cu tine in apa si pe uscat clipa de clipa sa te ghideze pana reusesti sa invingi cele 2 elemente Feng Shui (Vant si apa).

Ca sa te poti plimba printre ei, trebuie sa te uiti continuu si pe sus, oamenii aici sunt intr-un proces de invatare si din cand in cand cate un zmeu mai cade brusc pe plaja, partea buna e ca nu e chiar atat de greu...

Plaja, care pana nu demult se intindea pana in zare aproape de dig, acum e in intregime sub apa in crestere continua, digul fereste pe toata lungimea de valuri, incat e locul ideal pentru kite-ing: vant puternic, iar valurile domolite.

Valurile au crescut destul de mult in ultima vreme, incat se asteapta si amatorii de surf sa apara in zona.
La plecare trecem prin Lumea lui Oblio.

sâmbătă, 30 octombrie 2010

Accomodation for all friends

Nice rooms, quiet place, close to the sea, 10.000 B per month, long time - 9.000 B.
Eugen is not included in basic package.

Adăugaţi o legendă
Big villa, next to the sea, 17.000 B month
Traditional Thai architecture, nice view, pool and restaurant, your dreams may come. Internet Wi Fi